Probate Mastery Course Review

As real estate agents, we’re always on the search for a lead generation strategy that produces leads at a profitable […]

As real estate agents, we’re always on the search for a lead generation strategy that produces leads at a profitable rate, which creates more flexibility, freedom, or scalability in our business. One real estate agent course that seeks to help real estate agents build a better career is “Probate Mastery”, developed by Chad Corbett at Magnum Opus Project.

In this post, we’re reviewing the course Probate Mastery. We’ll discuss what the course is about, why the probate niche is a great market, and then weigh the pros and cons to help you decide if the course is right for you.

What Is Probate Mastery?

Probate Mastery is an online course that seeks to help real estate agents generate more profitable leads by focusing on an often-neglected real estate niche that has a lot of potential.

Rather than teaching a sophisticated marketing process, like how to hold “Mega Open Houses” or using social media to generate leads, Probate Mastery is a complete system for working with probate leads and clients.

Probate Mastery is a complete end-to-end system — from sales, to marketing, to transaction management — that includes scripts, marketing letters, and more to help real estate agents build a business working in the probate niche.

In the course, you will learn:

  • The entire probate process broken down in a simple to understand format
  • How to find probate leads
  • The best ways to speak to probate prospects even if you have no experience working these leads
  • Different monetization strategies for working these leads — from investing, to listing, or something in between.

While the course is called Probate Mastery, the course will teach you how to work with more than probate leads.

For example, any seller who inherits a home shares a lot of similarities to clients that are going through probate.

The seller that inherits a home through a trust, ladybird deed, or joint title has a lot in common with a probate lead. The only difference is that these legal vehicles often allow someone to bypass the probate process.

Why Learn The Probate Niche?

The probate niche has good reasons for picking it over other niches or no niche at all.

First, according to data, there are over 1 million homes per year that end up in probate. Then, add in the homes that are inherited without probate and you have a large supply of homes that need to be sold.

Imagine if you captured just a very, very small percentage of the market. You could create a career that easily generates over $100,000 in gross commission income.

But here are some of the main reasons to work in the probate niche:

  • Motivated Sellers
  • Nearly Recession-Proof
  • Less Competition (maybe)

Probate leads are motivated sellers. As part of the probate process, a home NEEDS to sell prior to being able to close probate and before funds can be distributed.

These sellers don’t have the luxury of just waiting for the market.

Second, it’s nearly recession-proof. These leads aren’t making plans based on the real estate market. Often, they need to sell the home and don’t have time to wait for a market to improve.

Regardless of what the market does, the probate niche has a need to sell. This keeps your real estate business rather insulated from all of the ups and downs of the real estate market, interest rates, and the economic conditions.

Lastly, there is less competition. Not always, but usually.

Since it’s a technical or legal field, many real estate agents are turned off by it. The legal side scares them and so they pursue all of the leads that everyone else is chasing.

In large metropolitan areas, you may be with a few other agents pursuing probate leads. In smaller markets, you could be the only one looking to get probate leads.

Qualifications of Chad

Probate Mastery is taught by Chad Corbett and the natural question is what makes him an expert?

How do you know it’s not another scammy company just trying to make money off the desire for real estate agents to produce leads?

A valid question and one I always have when investigating any type of course or marketing solution.

Chad is teaching the very principles he used as an agent-investor to grow his own real estate business. He has since used those principles to teach thousands of real estate agents how to master the probate niche.

After stumbling into the probate niche, he built a business that handled over 100 deals per year.

With a desire to reach a greater audience and help more people, Chad embarked on co-founding All The Leads, a lead provider and training company in the probate niche.

There he taught real estate agents, brokers, and investors how to acquire and serve probate leads.

Probate Mastery was built out of a desire to fill a gap in the marketplace. Chad believes there is a need for better education in the probate niche, so in 2020 he left All The Leads to focus on developing his course and community at Probate Mastery.

Chad’s desire is to help real estate agents graduate to owning a business rather than owning debt. His heart and desire is to help real estate agents succeed in building freedom and flexibility in their life, just like he has done for himself.

Who Is Probate Mastery For?

Probate Mastery is for real estate agents and investors. I believe either person can go through the course, find value, and build a profitable business.

It’s even better for the real estate agent that is also an investor. With a real estate license and the ability to invest, you can offer more monetization strategies to your business.

This makes it possible for you to offer a solution for every seller. A certain percentage of sellers will want to list the home and get full retail price. Another percentage just wants to sell the home cash and will take a discount offer.

Now, I do only recommend the course for real estate agents that are already generating leads from other sources and have some cash coming into their business.

Due to the nature of these leads, it’s not the best lead source for new real estate agents. Sometimes these leads can take awhile to convert.

When it comes to probate, you’re playing the long game.

What You Will Learn

Probate Mastery is composed of three different sessions or sections, each focusing on a different part of building your probate system.

In the first session, you will learn all about the probate process. This is kind of the nuts and bolts to understanding probate.

The module covers topics like what exactly is probate, what are common obstacles in the probate process, who is involved in the probate process, and the overall timeline.

Strategic planning is the second module. Here you will learn all about the marketing and prospecting aspects to probate leads. For example, you will set up your marketing system with letter templates included.

You will also learn how to build your probate vendor team. As a way to provide more value to attorneys and potential clients.

Your vendor team is a great way to add value to clients even before they’re ready to list the home.

Lastly, the third module covers all of the sales and services. This module covers the conversion process, tactical selling skills, overcoming common objections, and scripts.

You will also learn to create offer price options to serve all types of clients, whether they’re looking for a quick sale, full retail listing, or an as-is sale.

Here are some features Probate Mastery includes:

Probate Marketing Letter Templates ready to deploy and mail
Live role play demonstrations
Probate seller interview sheet

Probate Mastery Certification

By going through the Probate Mastery course and passing the tests at the end of each session, you are awarded the courses Certified Probate Expert Designation.

You can use this as a marketing tool when speaking to clients. It can help you add credibility with attorneys and potential clients.

It can separate you from the competition.

However, the course is NOT associated with the National Association of Realtors.

According to the Probate Mastery website, the course was approved for NAR status. However, the course would have to be watered down in order to be part of NAR and the price would be higher.

In other words, real estate agents would get less value for a higher price. As a result, Probate Mastery is not a NAR designation.

The certification can help, but isn’t a main reason to take the course. The main reason to take the course is if you’re looking to learn the probate process and build a complete system — from market, sales, and service — helping probate clients.

A Community To Learn From

As part of the course, you join an exclusive Facebook community. Learn from other students on how to work less, earn more, and build a better real estate career.

Of course, as more time passes, people add more information to the Facebook group. There is a good chance as you go through the course, whatever question you have, the question has already been answered.

Cons Of Probate Mastery

We wouldn’t be doing our duty if we didn’t share some of the negatives of Probate Mastery. There are two cons that we found. One is more niche specific. The second is course specific.

Long Cash Cycles

One con of the entire probate industry is that the cash conversion cycle is longer than other lead generation strategies like Zillow leads.

A certain percentage of Probate leads won’t close until month 12 to 24. That’s means spending one to two years marketing these leads until they produce revenue.

Even though the lead generation strategy is profitable and produces a decent return on investment, you may find yourself running out of cash before you see the full benefits.

In fact, that’s why most agents fail when targeting the probate niche. They usually can’t fund that cash flow and expenses in marketing, lead providers, and overhead expenses.

For that reason, I wouldn’t recommend Probate Mastery to real estate agents that are looking to earn their first few deals.

I’d say Probate Mastery is perfect for the real estate agent that has cash flow, they’re completing deals, but maybe they aren’t earning enough to build a real estate career that offers freedom.

They’re the agent that is generating $100,000 in production. Yet, only takes home about $30,000 because of high marketing costs and broker fees.

It’s also great for real estate teams that are profitable, making a good earning and looking to expand into different markets.

Live Weekly Calls Cost Extra

If you want to be part of the live weekly calls to get on-going support, it’s going to cost you extra. Probate Mastery charges an additional $20 fee per month to get the live calls.

In a lot of different online courses, it’s typical for live calls to be part of the program. Of course, they might only be monthly calls or bi-weekly calls.

Still, there is a lot of value in the course. But be aware if you’re looking for extra support, it’s going to cost you some extra money.

My Own Probate Experience

Most of my experience servicing the probate industry came from building out my content and SEO for keywords related to probate.

For example, when this website was primarily a real estate agency, I ranked for keywords related to probate. Here is a screenshot of our site in first position for “Probate Lansing”.

Probate Mastery Rank In Search Enginges

We also rank for keywords related to selling inherited homes and probate properties. As a result, we have been able to generate referral leads and leads in our communities.

Real Estate Agent SEO Rankings

I definitely love working with these leads because of the opportunity for being an investor-agent.

Not only are you able to list properties, but there is the ability to acquire property to add to your investment portfolio. A great way for real estate agents to build their retirement.

Alternatives To Probate Mastery

There are few options if you’re looking to break into the probate niche or looking to generate leads for your real estate business.

First, you could look at MTI Education’s Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist course. It’s a course that seeks to teach real estate agents how to build a system serving probate leads.

We wrote a comprehensive review on the CPRES designation course.

They have a similar price. We recommend Probate Mastery over MTI Education’s course. There seems to be more heart towards developing a quality course when it comes to Probate Mastery.

Second, you could try to learn all of this on your own and then buy leads from a provider like “All The Leads”, a company Chad co-found but left in 2020.

All The Leads offers some probate training and courses for free. It’s a great place to start if you’re trying to go for more of a DIY option and don’t care about having a certification to show clients.

You can learn more about All The Leads program for buying probate leads.

Get Probate Leads Today!

Want to break into the probate niche? Get the leads and lead generation strategy that your competitors don't know about and ones that most agents ignore.

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